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Exertis Nordics har utsetts till officiell distributör av RealWear

Tuesday 16th March 2021


Exertis Nordics meddelar härmed att vi har utsetts till officiell distributör av RealWear, för deras användbara och populära produktserie, och vi kommer att bli det första företaget inom Exertis-gruppen som öppnar upp för RealWear, Inc.

RealWear® är ett plattformsföretag för kunskapsöverföring som tillhandahåller information på plats och utbildning i fält med programvara och hårdvara för att hjälpa människor att förbättra säkerheten och öka produktiviteten på jobbet.

Företag som driver globala företag i olika branscher inklusive Shell, Colgate-Palmolive, BMW och State Grid litar på RealWear - det gör vi också!

Läs hela pressmeddelandet på engelska nedan:

Exertis Nordics Signs Deal to Distribute RealWear Products Across Nordic Region

New Agreement Expands RealWear’s Footprint in the Nordics to Meet Increased Demand

March 15, 2021 – Sweden – Today Exertis Nordics announced that it has been appointed as an official distributor of the popular RealWear wearable product line across the Nordic region. Exertis Nordics will be the first company within the Exertis-group to welcome RealWear, Inc.

RealWear® is a knowledge transfer platform company providing in-situ information and in-the-field training with software and hardware to help people improve safety and increase productivity at work. The company’s flagship system, the HMT-1®, is a ruggedized head-mounted, wearable, Android-class tablet computer that frees a worker’s hands for dangerous jobs. Workers can follow work instructions, watch videos or communicate with experts even in extreme noise, temperature, darkness, tight spaces, or even in the high seas, all through voice navigation and a safe, hands-free experience.

The interest in products that enable work online and where you can communicate with both sound and image to perform work remotely, has increased throughout society and the need for products that can be connected online has a high demand.

We see that it is especially important in the industry to maintain the development that you can be out in the field, can work with both hands free and at the same time be connected online. RealWear's products address these needs and their design with small and light products make them feel unique in their kind.”, says Robin Johansson, Business Director IT Nordics.

The RealWear product range is a great solution to indoor and outdoor, completely mobile video collaboration and it is the plan for more of the Exertis companies to distribute the products in the very near future.

We are very excited to have Exertis join our stellar distribution ecosystem. Exertis’s unparalleled logistical expertise and regional market credibility will help support RealWear’s rapidly growing business across EMEA,” says Jon Arnold, RealWear’s VP of EMEA.

In order to obtain the knowledge and experience of RealWear, all resellers of the products are to be trained and authorized by the RealWear’s team in an extensive training. Prior to the launch, the sales teams of Exertis Nordic have been trained and authorized by RealWear’s team.

For more information please contact:
Robin Johansson, +46 708 59 40 38

About Exertis Group Exertis is the leading technology distributor of consumer, business and enterprise products from established and emerging technology brands, and a wholly owned subsidiary of parent company DCC PLC, a FTSE 100 company. After 39 years of profitability Exertis continues to outperform the market, achieving revenues of £3.913 billion in FY2020.

Exertis represents 2,400 global and emerging brands selling to more than 50,000 reseller and retailer customers focused on consumer, mobile, business, enterprise and IT Supplies. It also provides an industry leading and innovative range of services and value-added solutions. With offices in Europe, North America, Middle East and China and with global reach via its supply chain services, Exertis employs 4,200 in 21 countries.

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